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Canadian Business & Current Affairs Database

May 1, 2017

Articles spanning Canadian agriculture, business and economics, education, government and politics, health sciences, history, literature, medical sciences, social sciences, and more. Includes content form scholarly journals, trade publications, popular press magazines, transcripts from radio and television  programs, and more.

UNC-CH users only

Education Full Text

May 1, 2017

Indexing and full text of more than 770 periodicals in the all of field of education. Covers all aspects of education including EDUCATION OF BUSINESS STUDENTS and EDUCATION AS A BUSINESS. About half of the periodicals are covered back to 1983 the rest are more recent.

UNC-CH users only


May 1, 2017

This database is one of if not the most important index covering the field of education. ERIC covers all aspects of education including EDUCATION OF BUSINESS STUDENTS and EDUCATION AS A BUSINESS. Material in this database could be a journal article, a chapter in a book, a book, or even a lesson plan submitted to one of the 16 clearing houses that collaborate to publish ERIC.

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Google Scholar

May 1, 2017

Google Scholar enables you to search specifically for scholarly literature, including peer-reviewed papers, theses, books, preprints, abstracts and technical reports from all broad areas of research. Use Google Scholar to find articles from a wide variety of academic publishers, professional societies, preprint repositories and universities, as well as scholarly articles available across the web. (source: Davis Library)

This version of Google Scholar links through the  university’s network allowing UNC-Chapel Hill users to find the full-text of materials available in UNC-Chapel Hill’s electronic collections.

UNC-CH users only


May 1, 2017

GreenFILE provides access to materials on the human impact on the environment. Sources include scholarly, governmental, and general interest articles and books. It represents research from fields such as agriculture, education, law, health, and technology. Topics include climate change, green building, pollution, renewable energy, recycling, and many related topics. (Source Davis Library)

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ProQuest Historical Newspapers

April 28, 2017

Full-text and images of several newspapers:

  • The Atlanta Constitution (1868 to 1945)
  • The Chicago Tribune (1849 – 1986)
  • The Los Angeles Times (1881-1989)
  • The Louisville Courier-Journal (1830 – 1922)
  • The Nashville Tennessean (1812 – 1922)
  • The New York Times (1851 to 3 years ago)
  • The Wall Street Journal (1889-1995)
  • The Washington Post (1877 to 1996).

           great visuals!

For current issues of the New York Times, Wall Street Journal, Washington Post and other major newspapers, see ProQuest U.S. Newsstream.




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ProQuest Central

April 28, 2017

​A general reference database allows users to search more than 35 of the “Proquest family of databases.” Subjects covered incude Business, Health and Medical, Language and Literature, Social Sciences, Education, Science and Technology, as well as core titles in the Performing and Visual Arts, History, Religion, Philosophy at one time. Resources covered include magazines, journals and newspapers, including peer-reviewed and scholarly works.

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ProQuest Dissertations & Theses Global

April 28, 2017

This is the place to go if you are looking for information on Dissertations written and accepted at an accredited U.S. institution since 1861.

Free previews (in PDF format) of the first 24 pages of all dissertations and theses in the database from 1997 on are available as are the Abstracts for Dissertations written after 1980. The database also selectively covers masters theses, Canadian dissertations, and British dissertations, and dissertations from other European countries.

This database also includes the full text of dissertations from 1997 and selected masters’ theses from 2006 written at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill.

UNC-CH users only


April 28, 2017

​PsycARTICLES provides full-text articles from leading more than 100 psychological journals including journals published by the American Psychological Association, the APA and the Canadian Psychological Association. Business researchers will find this database very useful for finding material on industrial psychology, organizational behavior, and other human resources types of issues. The database will include all material from the print journals with the exception of ads and editorial board lists.

UNC-CH users only


April 28, 2017

This database is probably the “premier” database covering the professional and academic literature in psychology and related disciplines. Business researchers will find this database very useful for finding material on industrial psychology, organizational behavior, and other human resources types of issues. The database includes citations to journal articles, book chapters, books, and dissertations. Journal coverage begins in 1887 and continues to present, and includes international material selected from more than 2,100 periodicals in more than 25 languages.

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Roper Center iPOLL

April 28, 2017

The Roper Center for Public Opinion Research offers two tools for searching opinion poll datasets: iPOLL, which allows searching at the question level, and Roper/Express/, which allows searching at the dataset level. The Center archives national opinion polls back to 1935, both U.S. and some international polls. Holdings include survey results data from academic, commercial and media survey organizations such as Gallup, Harris Interactive, Pew Research Associates, ABC, CBS, Wall Street Journal and many more. Many datasets are available for instant download in ASCII or SPSS format.

For surveys with national adult or major subpopulation samples (such as registered voters, women, or African Americans), iPOLL can be used as the primary finding aid to locate datasets on particular topics or for specific time periods. For state, foreign, and other special samples, Roper/Express/ can be used to locate datasets by keyword (the abstract is searched), date, country, survey organization, survey sponsor, or type of sample.

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SBRnet (Sports Business Research Network)

April 28, 2017

SBRnet (Sports Business Research Network) provides market research and industry news for the sporting goods and sports marketing industries, covering 40 different sports. It includes full-text articles, links to over 10,000 sports organizations, sport participation summaries for the American population, and a Brand Share Index, which details brand preferences and demographics of followers of different sports and individual teams. (Source: Davis Library website)

Formerly known as SMA (Sports Market Analytics)

UNC-CH users only


April 28, 2017

​Scopus is a citation and abstracting database that provides comprehensive coverage of the peer-reviewed journal and conference literature, with links to full-text where available through the library. It encompasses scientific, technical, medical, social science and arts and humanities disciplines. It indexes over 20,500 titles from more than 5,000 international publishers including over 340 book series.

Scopus also allows researchers to perform citation searches to see how many times a work has been cited, by whom, and to rank searches by times cited, for the period 1996 -present. It is also possible to extend a Scopus search to include their curated index of over 375 scientific web pages as well as over 24 million patents. (source Davis Library)

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Academic Search Premier

April 28, 2017

This database is good for finding articles published in more than 13,000 popular and academic journals covering many academic subject areas including business, economics, public policy, other social sciences, the humanities, and general sciences. There is some form of full text (html text or PDFs) availability for nearly 9,000 of those journals.

UNC-CH users only

Times (London) Digital Archive 1785 – 2014

April 28, 2017

Times Digital Archive provides full-image coverage of the ‘world’s newspaper of record’ for a period of more than 200 years, 1785 to 2014, covering events from the French Revolution to the Falkland War, from early industrialization to the information age.

The entire content of the paper has been digitized, and it is possible to search the full-text of the newspaper including articles, editorials, obituaries, and advertisements. Advanced searching allows users to search by issue date, article title, byline, article category, or by a combination of variables. A Browse feature allows for searching through a specific issue of the paper via individual page images.

Electronic coverage of the Times of London for after 1985 can also be found in several other sources including Factiva.

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U.S. Newsstream

April 28, 2017

Includes: the New York Times, the Los Angeles Times, the Wall Street Journal, the Washington Post, and thousands more national and international newspapers, wires and some TV / radio transcripts. Dates vary; most from the 1990s to present.

For historic issues of the New York Times, Wall Street Journal, Washington Post, and other major newspapers, see ProQuest Historic Newspapers.


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