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Resource Url Description Subjects Access Levels
42 Floors

Previous 30 days of commercial, office, retail, medical industrial, “live/work” real estate listings for more than 50 major markets around the United States. There “submarkets” available for most of the “major” markets. Data available includes street address, descriptions of the property, and listing agent and firm.

Real Estate, Real Estate Listings Open Access
ABI/INFORM Collection

Articles in business, finance, management, accounting, advertising, banking, insurance, marketing, public administration, real estate, and telecommunications. Includes:

  • industry and market research reports (including Business Monitor International and First Research)
  • reports on the overall  business and economic climate in Countries (including Oxford Economics, Economist Intelligence Unit)
  • business dissertations
  • working papers


Articles about Business Topics Companies or Industries, Industry Reports UNC-CH users only
Academic Search Premier

This database is good for finding articles published in more than 13,000 popular and academic journals covering many academic subject areas including business, economics, public policy, other social sciences, the humanities, and general sciences. There is some form of full text (html text or PDFs) availability for nearly 9,000 of those journals.

Other Indexes UNC-CH users only
Accounting, Tax & Banking Collection

Includes more than 1,200 national and international sources of information on accounting, taxes and taxation, the financial services industry, banking trends, products, companies, issues and operations. Sources include academic / peer-reviewed journals, trade journals, industry reports, conference proceedings, and dissertations.

Accounting, Articles about Business Topics Companies or Industries, Taxes UNC-CH users only
Ad Age DataCenter
Ad Age Data Center offers profiles of top advertisers, agency and media family tree reports, advertising spending data, industry contacts, ad industry job market data and ranked lists of top media markets and media formats.
Special Note: Selected sections of the site, such as white papers, require independent subscription or user registration as an individual, apart from the institutional subscription maintained by the UNC at Chapel Hill University Libraries
Advertising, Statistics UNC-CH users only

An image database of more than 7,000 advertisements printed in U.S. and Canadian newspapers and magazines between 1911 and 1955. Ad*Access concentrates on five main subject areas: Radio, Television, Transportation, Beauty and Hygiene, and World War II, providing a coherent view of a number of major campaigns and companies through images preserved in one particular advertising collection available at Duke University. 

The advertisements are from the J. Walter Thompson Company Competitive Advertisements Collection of the John W. Hartman Center for Sales, Advertising, and Marketing History in Duke University’s Rare Book, Manuscript, and Special Collections Library. (Source Vendor Website)

Advertising Open Access
Adventures in CRE

A collection of downloadable real estate financial models, along with information on careers, education, and networking in “commercial real estate.”

Real Estate Open Access
America’s News
Over 6,300 U.S. newspapers including 200+ in North Carolina:

Other Indexes UNC-CH users only
American Housing Survey (AHS)

The American Housing Survey is among the most comprehensive surveys of the U.S. Housing conditions and is sponsored by the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development and conducted by the U.S. Census Bureau. Data available includes: National and metropolitan data on residential vacancies, number of rooms, rents, mobile homes, median value of home and occupancy demographics.

Real Estate Open Access
Articles & Books Not at UNC

Want an article or book that isn’t at UNC?

Use UNC Library’s Interlibrary Loan ( service to access items not available at UNC’s libraries. You can request books & articles from other libraries at no cost to you. It usually takes 1-3 days for articles and 2-5 days for books.

Requesting Items

If you know the citation to the book or article, you may submit your request online.

Screenshot of main Interlibrary Borrowing webpage. Highlighted link under heading “Request non-UNC Material” is Article (book chapter, conference paper, etc.).
Screenshot of main Interlibrary Borrowing webpage. Highlighted link under heading “Request non-UNC Material” is Article (book chapter, conference paper, etc.).

First time using Interlibrary Loan?

Create an account at, using your Onyen and password.
Complete your personal information, and select a default pickup location for print books. Options include:

  • Campus libraries (Davis, Health Sciences, etc.)
  • Delivery by mail
  • Campus box delivery (faculty only).
    • “Mail to CB# allow 2-5 days (Faculty Only).”
    • If you select this option, include your building and CB # in Mailing Address Line 1.
      (ex. McColl Building CB# 3490).

Screenshot of form to register for Interlibrary Loan. In addition to personal information, Department is Business administration; Default Pickup Location is Mail to CB# allow 2-5 days; and Mailing Address Line 1 is McColl Building CB# 3490.

Screenshot of form to register for Interlibrary Loan. In addition to personal information,
Department is Business administration; 
Default Pickup Location is Mail to CB# allow 2-5 days; and 
Mailing Address Line 1 is McColl Building CB# 3490.

Email the Interlibrary Borrowing office with any questions:

Retrieving items

You will receive an email when the item has been sent to you.

  • Books will come to the location you indicated – your campus box or your home – within 3-5 days.
  • Articles will be posted on the Interlibrary Loan website; look under Retrieve / Electronically Received Article(s)to find them. The email will also have a link to this portion of their website.
Screenshot of main Interlibrary Borrowing webpage. Electronically Received Articles is highlighted.
Screenshot of main Interlibrary Borrowing webpage. Electronically Received Articles is highlighted.

Discover information on any topic from the UNC library collections using simple search technology powered by Summon. Use Articles+ to find:

  • Scholarly journal articles
  • News articles, material from non-scholarly journals, magazines, and newspapers
  • Ebook content, both whole Ebooks and chapters in Ebooks
  • Dissertations from UNC and other universities

Just enter your search terms in the search boxes and use the options below to screen to refine your search by content format, discipline, and language.

UNC-CH users only
Audit Analytics

Detailed audit information on over 1,200 accounting firms and 15,000 publicly registered companies. Data taken from public company disclosures. Determine who is auditing whom and how much they are paying for what services. Create reports by auditor, fees, location, industry, client revenue, market capital, changes in auditors, and more.

In addition to audits, the data in Audit Analytics also covers information related to compliance, governance, corporate actions, and federal litigation. 2001-present.

Learn more about Audit Analytics from WRDS.

WRDS Access is available only to current UNC-CH faculty, students, and selected staff. 

Need access? Go to and click on “REGISTER” in the upper right corner of the page.


Accounting UNC-CH users with additional password
BCC Research

Global market research reports. Reports cover market intelligence, five-year forecasting, statistical and analytical data, key players, market share, industry structure and dynamics, and technology trends and shifts. These reports can be well over 100 pages long. Industries covered include:

  • Advanced Materials
  • Advanced Transportation Technologies
  • Biotechnology
  • Chemicals
  • Energy And Resources
  • Engineering
  • Environment
  • Food And Beverage
  • Fuel Cell And Battery Technologies
  • Healthcare
  • Information Technology
  • Instrumentation And Sensors
  • Manufacturing
  • Membrane And Separation Technology
  • Nanotechnology
  • Pharmaceuticals
  • Photonics
  • Plastics
  • Safety And Security
  • Semiconductor Manufacturing
Industry Reports UNC-CH users only

Provides detailed industry analysis and market research reports on more than 5,000 lines of business, as defined by NAICS codes, in national and local markets. Types of reports include:
-Industry Financial Profiles: average 15 pages and include financial statement data and more than 30 industry financial ratios both aggregate industry wide and segmented by sales volume .
-Market Research Reports average 10 pages and includes business and market trends, failure rates, sales per employee, and more for both U.S. national level and local level for 250 metro areas.

Industry Financial and Performance Ratios, Industry Reports UNC-CH users only
Bloomberg Professional (Kenan-Flagler Only)

Access to real time and historical (about 20 years) financial, economic, and political news and information covering all sectors of the world’s economy.

Special Note: Because of license restrictions, access is limited to the following locations:

  • Several computers in Kenan-Flagler’s Capital Markets Lab (room 2550) in the McColl Building
  • One computer in the Technology Center (room 1130) on the first floor in the McColl Building.
  • One Bloomberg terminal at UNC’s Park Library in Carroll Hall on main campus.

Online access is not available.

Company Filings, Conference Calls & Press Releases, Stock - Bond - Mutual Fund - Indices Information UNC Kenan-Flagler Capital Markets Lab
Bluebook International

Provides a series of reports covering residential replacement cost estimates, risk analysis and other property valuation information. Some information is free some you yave to pay for.

Real Estate Open Access

Data on boards of directors of publicly-listed companies around the world. Includes 2 million corporate executives & board members from over 2.2 million organizations. Biographical data includes details such as age, gender, positions held, educational qualifications, compensation and stock holdings, as well as insights into the executive’s professional network.

Coverage varies by data set. Some starts in 1999.

Learn more about BoardEx: Introduction to BoardEx (WRDS account required) and information about BoardEx from WRDS.

WRDS Access is available only to current UNC-CH faculty, students, and selected staff. 

Need access? Go to and click on “REGISTER” in the upper right corner of the page.

ESG Environment, Social & Governance UNC-CH users with additional password
Books @ UNC Chapel Hill

Borrowing Books

  1. Find the book you want in the UNC library catalog.
  2. Click the blue “Request” button next to the Call Number. Screenshot of catalog record “Where to find it” box. Blue request button is circled.

Screenshot of catalog record “Where to find it” box. Blue request button is circled.

  1. Log in with your ONYEN and password.
  2. Confirm that information on the book request form is accurate.Screenshot of Pickup Location options. Mail to CB# allow 2-5 days (Faculty Only) is highlighted in green and circled in red. Delivery by Mail is also circled in red.
  3. Select a Pickup Location. Options :
    1. FACULTY ONLY may choose “Mail to CB# allow 2-5 days (Faculty Only)
      • Put your campus box (CB) number in the Notes box.
      • Your item will be sent through campus mail to your campus mailbox within 2-5 days
    2. Pickup at a campus library.
    3. Delivery by Mail. You may select to have materials delivered to you by mail at no cost, with return shipping included.
      Details at (search for Delivery by Mail).

Returning books

  1. Bring book(s) to Elizabeth Shaver in the Dean’s Suite on the 4th Floor, McColl Building
    1. Between 9 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. Monday – Friday
    2. The book will be marked as returned within 2 business days.
    3. This is the BEST option for books with a yellow or white strap (i.e., from another library via Interlibrary Loan) *

NOTE: If Elizabeth is not available, you must use another return method.

  1. Mail
  1. Drop box behind Davis Library
    • There is a drive-up drop box by the ATMs behind Davis (map)
  2. Return books to any campus library.
  3. Faculty only – interoffice mail – UNC-owned books only
    • Put UNC book in an interoffice envelope and write UNC Library CB #3916 on the front.
    • Put the envelope in a “Campus Mail” box
    • It will take 2-3 days to be returned; you may incur late fees depending on the book’s due date.
    • NOT AN OPTION option for books with a yellow or white strap (i.e., from another library via Interlibrary Loan; see below)

Books with paper “strap” on the front are from another library and look like this:

Book with a "white strap" on it. From another library and should not be placed in campus mail for returns.

Book with a "yellow strap" on it. From another library and should not be placed in campus mail for returns.


Contains about 500 sample business plans organized by broad categories. You can also search for plans by keywords. There is also information and advice on writing your business plan, starting, funding, and growing your business.

Business and Marketing Plans, Entrepreneurship and Small Business Open Access
BRASS Business Guides

A collection of 26 guides of best business resources covering specific business related topics. Topics include accounting,  advertising & marketing, electronic commerce, human resource management and more. Each guide provides an annotated “listing of significant sites that are themselves content rich in nature. The resources may be free and open access or may be subscription based.

The resources are selected and compiled by the named librarians who are members of the Business Reference and Services Section of the American Library Association.

Guides to Business resources Open Access
Builder Online

Home sale predictions and information for the home building industry and vital economic statistics for the home building industry.

Real Estate Open Access
Bureau of Economic Analysis

This is a major statistics site! You can find all kinds of international, national, regional and industry economic and performance statistics including GDP, balance of payments, national income, personal income and outlays, trade in goods and services, foreign direct investment, and dozens more.

Statistics-Economic Open Access
Bureau of Labor Statistics

The Bureau of Labor Statistics, part of the U.S. Department of Labor, compiles a massive amounts of information and statistics on employment, productivity, inflation, consumer spending, wages, earnings aspects of the U.S. economy.

Statistics-Demographic, Statistics-Economic, Statistics-Labor Open Access
Business & Industry Canada

Information to help Canadians start, manage, and grow their businesses.

Entrepreneurship and Small Business Open Access
Business Plans Handbook

This is a series of E-Books available through the UNC-CH online catalog.  Each volume is a compilation of actual business plans developed by small businesses throughout North America.  There are 23 Volumes.

Business and Marketing Plans, Entrepreneurship and Small Business UNC-CH users only
Business Resources at UNC Chapel Hill

A series of Web pages maintained by Nancy Lovas the Entrepreneurship and Business Librarian at UNC-Chapel Hill’s Davis Library. There are guides for Accounting, Banking, Companies, Industry / Market Research, and more.

Guides to Business resources, Guides to Industry resources Open Access
Business Source Premier

Business Source Premier provides Indexing, abstracting and the full-text of articles from more than 1,700 popular press and trade publications, and from more than 1,800 peer-reviewed business journals. Topics covered include leadership, management, economics, banking, finance, accounting and much more. Coverage varies depending on journal, in many cases back to the first issue published of a journal. This resource is the only place to find the full-text and/or “page image” of articles from the Harvard Business Review.

In Addition there is full text of non-journal content that includes 2,200+ market research reports, 18,000+ industry reports, 1,600+ country reports, 17,000+ company profiles, 3,000+ SWOT analyses, 6,000+ executive interviews, 900+ books, and 1,300+ working papers.


Analyst Reports on Companies, Articles about Business Topics Companies or Industries, Industry Reports UNC-CH users only
Business Wire

Information about industries and corporations. Full text of news and press releases from major U.S. corporations, including many Fortune 1000 and NASDAQ companies. Free registration is required to view full text.

For UNC – Chapel Hill users, Business Wire is also included in Regional Business News (Nov. 2010-present)

Company Filings, Conference Calls & Press Releases
Canadian Business & Current Affairs Database

Articles spanning Canadian agriculture, business and economics, education, government and politics, health sciences, history, literature, medical sciences, social sciences, and more. Includes content form scholarly journals, trade publications, popular press magazines, transcripts from radio and television  programs, and more.

Other Indexes UNC-CH users only
Capital IQ (Kenan-Flagler only)

In-depth financial information on publicly-traded companies and investment firms. Includes transactions in both the public and private capital markets as well as financial statement data, executives’ biographical characteristics, and deal or transaction specifics.

Data can be exported to Excel .

Because of licensing restrictions:

  • Access to Capital IQ is restricted to current faculty, staff, and students of UNC Kenan-Flagler Business School.
  • You MUST use your email address when requesting an account.
  • Access through this website; DO NOT bookmark the S&P Capital IQ login page
  • Login with your UNC Onyen from both on-campus and off-campus.
  • ➡️ It’s HARD to access Capital IQ for the first time. Here’s How to Access Capital IQ. Questions? Contact
Company Financial Information, Company Profiles, Executive Biographies, Mergers - Acquisitions - Joint Ventures, Private Equity and Venture Capital UNC Kenan-Flagler users only

Venture capital, angel investment, and private equity database. Tracks global venture capital, angel investment, private equity, M&A, and IPO activity related to private companies. An excellent resource for startups and entrepreneurship research.

Students, faculty and staff must register and set up an account using a valid UNC Chapel Hill email address to access CB Insights. Each user is limited to 4,000 lines of downloading per year.

Company Profiles, Mergers - Acquisitions - Joint Ventures, Private Equity and Venture Capital UNC-CH users with additional password
Code of Federal Regulations

The Code of Federal Regulations (CFR) is the codification of the general and permanent rules published in the Federal Register by the executive departments and agencies of the Federal Government. It is divided into 50 titles that represent broad areas subject to Federal regulation. Each volume of the CFR is updated once each calendar year and is issued on a quarterly basis. Each title is divided into chapters, which usually bear the name of the issuing agency. Each chapter is further subdivided into parts that cover specific regulatory areas. Large parts may be subdivided into subparts. All parts are organized in sections, and most citations in the CFR are provided at the section level.

Laws, Legislation, and Regulations Open Access
Colliers International Market Reports

Free quarterly reports on economic activity especially on commercial property industry. Includes reports on city, national and international markets. Also contains commercial property listings.

Real Estate, Real Estate Listings Open Access

Analyze executive compensation. Over 100 current salary, bonus, and stock option data along with company identification items; match top executives’ compensation data with company financial data in COMPUSTAT North America. 1992-present.

Manuals and overviews for COMPUSTAT Execucomp from WRDS.

WRDS Access is available only to current UNC-CH faculty, students, and selected staff. 

Need access? Go to and click on “REGISTER” in the upper right corner of the page.

ESG Environment, Social & Governance UNC-CH users with additional password

Annual and quarterly of data for hundreds of data items, ratios and concepts covering thousands of publicly-traded companies in over 80 countries, including coverage of over 96% of European market capitalization and 88% of Asian market capitalization. Data for both current and inactive companies. 1987-present.

Learn more about COMPUSTAT Global from WRDS.

WRDS Access is available only to current UNC-CH faculty, students, and selected staff. 

Need access? Go to and click on “REGISTER” in the upper right corner of the page.

Company Financial Information UNC-CH users with additional password
COMPUSTAT North America

Fundamental financial data on thousands of active and inactive U.S. and Canadian companies. Data from SEC filings,  standardized for better comparisons, and supplemented with additional data sources. Most data 1950-present.

Learn more about COMPUSTAT North America from WRDS.

WRDS Access is available only to current UNC-CH faculty, students, and selected staff. 

Need access? Go to and click on “REGISTER” in the upper right corner of the page.



Company Financial Information UNC-CH users with additional password

Preliminary and final data for annual, quarterly and year-to-date periods, minimizing lag assumptions and look-ahead bias. See information that was available at specific time points in history, with data values known by the market from preliminary announcements and final sources. 1986-present.

Manuals & overviews for COMPUSTAT Snapshot from WRDS.

WRDS Access is available only to current UNC-CH faculty, students, and selected staff. 

Need access? Go to and click on “REGISTER” in the upper right corner of the page.

Company Financial Information UNC-CH users with additional password
Conference Board Business Knowledge Research Online

The University’s subscription includes research reports, executive summaries on key business topics, surveys, and case studies of the world’s most influential companies. Coverage is back to the late 1990’s or early 2000 for the most part. However the UNC-Chapel Hill library may have purchased individual reports from before that time. For UNC-Chapel Hill holdings of earlier reports, previous issues of various publications, and other Conference Board publications not found in this database, consult the UNC-Chapel Hill online library catalog.

Articles about Business Topics Companies or Industries UNC-CH users only

This web site is great for finding information on U.S. Congressional legislative activity. You can find information on and the full-text of bills, committee meetings, roll call votes, and many other activities and issues that the U.S. Congress debates and act on. Information goes back to 1995.

Laws, Legislation, and Regulations Open Access
Congressional Budget Office

Congressional budget office has a variety of economic and budgetary forecasts, projections, and historical data for the US economy and the Federal budget.

Statistics-Economic Open Access
Council for Entrepreneurial Development

The Council for Entrepreneurial Development (CED) is a private, non-profit organization formed in 1984 to identify, enable and promote high growth, high impact entrepreneurial companies and to accelerate the entrepreneurial culture of the Research Triangle and North Carolina.

CED is a community of people inspired by entrepreneurship, and includes a wide range of members including startup companies, more mature growth-stage firms, investors, service partners, academics, and individuals.
CED provides education, mentoring and capital formation resources to new and existing high-growth entrepreneurs through annual conferences, forums, workshops and programs on entrepreneurial management and finance.
CED has helped entrepreneurs in a myriad of industries and at all stages of development – from high-tech, life sciences, and service companies, from one-person start-ups to 1,000-person businesses.

(source Organization Web site)


Entrepreneurship and Small Business Open Access
Country Commercial Guides

Country Commercial Guides (CCG’s) are prepared annually by U.S. embassies with the assistance of several U.S. government agencies, and they use economic, political and market analysis to give an in-depth look at the commercial environment in various countries. There’s a wealth of information here.


Country Information Open Access
County Business Patterns

An annual series that provides subnational economic data by industry. The series is useful for studying the economic activity of small areas; analyzing economic changes over time; and as a benchmark for statistical series, surveys, and databases between economic censuses. Businesses use the data for analyzing market potential, measuring the effectiveness of sales and advertising programs, setting sales quotas, and developing budgets. (source Census website)

Statistics-Economic, Statistics-State and Local Open Access
Craftsman National Appraisal Estimator

Craftsman National Appraisal Estimator (formerly  A valuation software to produce estimates of home construction, renovation, and replacement cost estimates including materials, design, quality, size, shape, heating, cooling, and geographic area. This is NOT a free resource.

Real Estate Open Access
CRSP Indices

Security price, return, and volume data for the NYSE, AMEX and NASDAQ stock markets. Additional CRSP files provide stock indices, beta-based and cap-based portfolios, treasury bond and risk-free rates, mutual funds, and real estate data.

Provides stock indices, beta- and cap-based portfolios, Treasury bond and risk-free rates of return on daily, monthly, quarterly, and annual basis for the NYSE and AMEX from 1925-present and from 1972-present for Nasdaq markets.

Includes these five groups of indices from Center for Research in Security Prices, LLC:

  • CRSP Stock File Indices
  • CRSP Cap-Based Portfolios
  • CRSP Indices for the S&P 500 Universe
  • CRSP Treasury and Inflation (CTI) Indices
  • CRSP Select Treasury Indices

Learn more about CRSP Stocks and Indices.

WRDS Access is available only to current UNC-CH faculty, students, and selected staff. 

Need access? Go to and click on “REGISTER” in the upper right corner of the page.

Stock - Bond - Mutual Fund - Indices Information UNC-CH users with additional password
CRSP Stocks

Contains end-of-day and month-end prices on all listed NYSE, Amex, and NASDAQ common stocks along with basic market indices. Includes comprehensive distribution information, with accurate total return calculations. 1923-present.

Learn more about CRSP Stocks.

WRDS Access is available only to current UNC-CH faculty, students, and selected staff. 

Need access? Go to and click on “REGISTER” in the upper right corner of the page.

Stock - Bond - Mutual Fund - Indices Information UNC-CH users with additional password
CRSP Survivor-Bias Free U.S. Mutual Fund Database

Data on the historical performance of open-ended mutual funds by using survivor-bias-free data. Includes a history of each mutual fund’s name, investment style, fee structure, holdings, and asset allocation. Also included are monthly total returns, monthly total net assets, monthly/daily net asset values, and dividends. Plus schedules of rear and front load fees, asset class codes, and management company contact information are provided.

All data items are for open-end mutual funds and begin at varying times between 1962 and 2003 depending on availability. Updated quarterly and distributed with a quarterly lag.

Manuals & overviews of CRSP Mutual Funds from WRDS.

WRDS Access is available only to current UNC-CH faculty, students, and selected staff. 

Need access? Go to and click on “REGISTER” in the upper right corner of the page.

Stock - Bond - Mutual Fund - Indices Information UNC-CH users with additional password
CRSP U.S. Treasury and Inflation Series

Complete historical descriptive information and market data including prices, returns, accrued interest, yields, and durations on the US Government Bond Fixed Term Index Series, and the Risk Free Rates File. 1925-present for Monthly data; 1961-present for daily data.

Manuals & overviews for CRSP U.S. Treasury Database from WRDS.

WRDS Access is available only to current UNC-CH faculty, students, and selected staff. 

Need access? Go to and click on “REGISTER” in the upper right corner of the page.

Stock - Bond - Mutual Fund - Indices Information UNC-CH users with additional password

Link CRSP market and corporate action data with Compustat fundamental data; search by Permno, Permco (CRSP), and or GVKEY identifiers (Compustat). Search CRSP and COMPUSTAT time series data on companies and securities side by side, regardless of CUSIP or ticker changes. 

Learn more about Center for Research in Security Prices, LLC (CRSP).

WRDS Access is available only to current UNC-CH faculty, students, and selected staff. 

Need access? Go to and click on “REGISTER” in the upper right corner of the page.

Company Financial Information UNC-CH users with additional password
Data Planet

Data Planet Statistical Datasets provides easy access to an extensive repository of standardized and structured statistical data. The over 12.6 billion datasets in Data Planet provide immediate access to data presented in charts, maps, graphs, and table form, via multiple points of entry. Data comes from more than 70 U.S. and international sources including: Bureau of Economic Analysis, Bureau of Labor Statistics, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, China Data Institute, Deutsche Borse Group, European Commission, the World Bank, and more. Subjects covered by the data include: economics, crime, health, population, energy, the environment and more. The time period covered varies. For more details consult the users guide here

Statistics, Statistics-Consumer Behavior, Statistics-Demographic, Statistics-Economic, Statistics-Labor UNC-CH users only