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Data Planet

September 22, 2020

Data Planet Statistical Datasets provides easy access to an extensive repository of standardized and structured statistical data. The over 12.6 billion datasets in Data Planet provide immediate access to data presented in charts, maps, graphs, and table form, via multiple points of entry. Data comes from more than 70 U.S. and international sources including: Bureau of Economic Analysis, Bureau of Labor Statistics, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, China Data Institute, Deutsche Borse Group, European Commission, the World Bank, and more. Subjects covered by the data include: economics, crime, health, population, energy, the environment and more. The time period covered varies. For more details consult the users guide here

UNC-CH users only

Simmons Insights

May 25, 2017

Data on adult U.S. consumers includes attitudes and behaviors, media use, and buying habits. Covers a wide variety of products, brands and services.

Data includes consumer demographics (age, gender, income, etc.); consumer psychographics (behavior, attitudes); and buying and media habits. Create reports for marketing strategies, advertising choices, and other business decisions.

UNC-CH users only

ESRI Business Analyst Online

May 1, 2017

Esri Business Analyst Online (BAO) is a Web-based solution that makes custom site evaluation and market analysis fast and easy. Utilizing extensive demographic, consumer spending, and business data, BAO provides detailed information and insights about consumers, their lifestyles and buying behavior, and businesses in a given market area.

Use is limited to students and faculty as needed for classes and research projects undertaken as part of coursework for a degree program.

Users must request an Esri account.

To request an account for use in a course or for a research project being undertaken for a degree program (such as Masters paper, thesis or dissertation), please contact a GIS Librarian with the following information:
-Your name
-The name of the course for which you plan to use BAO
-Name of the faculty/instructor teaching the course (or name of your advisor)
-Semester and year of the course
Special Notes:
Because of our license agreement, you will be asked for your UNC Onyen and password every time you use Esri, both on and off campus.

UNC-CH users only


April 28, 2017

Create maps, tables, and rankings from over 30,000 demographic, consumer spending, and psychographic variables. Covers the U.S. from states to neighborhood levels. Data sources include U.S. Census, Simmons LOCAL, and some Nielsen Scarborough data.

Create your own optional account to save your searches and favorite variables and locations.

Export high resolution map images. Data can also be exported in spreadsheet or shapefile format.

Commercial use and republication of the data are prohibited.

UNC-CH users only


April 28, 2017

Data on a variety of industries with citations to original data for even more data. Offers Industry Overview which includes advertising & marketing, consumer goods, e-commerce, economics, energy & environment, finance & insurance, health & pharma, real estate, retail & trade, sports, technology, and transportation.

Charts and reports available as images, pdf, and download as Excel .

UNC-CH users only