- Contains accounting, and federal and individual U.S. state tax materials
- Contains primary source material (tax laws, regulations, and court case rulings) and secondary sources (editorial and analytical materials)
- Includes full-text of SEC and GAAP Compliance rules, procedures, and International Accounting standards.
- Accesses some international materials like the International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS).
Quick reference assistance with RIA Checkpoint Edge, from Thomson Reuters.
Create an account FIRST
- Create a personal account via this link
- Select UNIVOFNORTHCAROLINA as the account when prompted
- Use a @kenan-flagler.unc.edu email address when registering.
Does not work with UNC-CH’s “EDUROAM” wireless network.
Questions? Please contact researchtools@kenan-flagler.unc.edu.
UNC-CH users only